Why You Jam is all about Live Music. But this is a blog, a social media vehicle, part of a larger community of people who are intertwined. I was just tagged by a close friend of mine and fellow blogger Beverly Cornell in a campaign called 7 Random Things Meme.

I was trying to figure out what social media has to do with Live Music. Then I realized, social media is to technology what jamming is to music. This is about communicating ideas, sharing, and playing to the beat of your own drum while still playing within the rules of the song. If you don’t like the song that’s ok, there is another one coming after this one. I may go on a rant or rave for a few moments but I will get back to the root of the song soon enough. But I am here to share with you, and you can take it or leave it. Hopefully you like what I have. Every musician knows what I am trying to say. Anyone who has ever been to see one of the many Jambands in today’s scene knows how I feel. 

OK: that being said, here are 7 random things you didn’t know about me.

1)      I have abnormally large feet ( for my height) I am 6’1” and my shoe size is 15

2)      Although I play Bass and Guitar, I have a musical crush on the Tuba, and one day will learn how to play it.

3)      I have lived in 10 Cites (not including different places within one metro area) 3 countries and 2 continents.   I was born in Tzfat (Israel), then moved to Jerusalem, Cleveland Ohio, Windsor Ontario, Chicago Illinois, Silver Spring Maryland, Detroit Michigan, Newport News Virginia, Baltimore Maryland, Back to Jerusalem,  New York City, and then Back to Detroit. If you count the number of houses its 21!!!

4)      I got sober after almost dying at moe.down 5. But thanks to the fantastic Turin NY medical crew and moe.’s organization I got a second shot at life.

5)      I started writing a book called “Pharmies, Phylacteries and Phone Calls” in 2003 but I hit a wall. I still have the transcripts and will publish it one day.  The book is about the underlying threads of good that people have, and how anyone can be truly good.

6)      I have a growing collection of signed music memorabilia: posters, drum sticks, books, CD’s, T-shirts, and all sorts of cool autographed stuff.

7)      I have a bucket list that includes: Skydiving, Recording an album with me playing all the instruments, building a log cabin, staying at the Ice Hotel in Sweden, and many other Random things. 

 Tagging:  In accordance with the meme rules, I must tag 7 more people to participate.  I think all of these have yet to be tagged and I find them pretty damb cool... well cool enough that I read their stuff!

Chris Brogan

Andy Gadiel (he mostly uses twitter now)

Mr. Minor


Dave Weinberg

Frum Satire

Kirk Rukenbrod

 Here are the rules for my fellow bloggers:

Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
Share seven facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.
Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.